Pure Gym Limited

11 Easy Vegan Recipes You Can Try This January

If one of your resolutions this year is to eat less meat, why not go all in this January and give Veganuary a try?

Wondering what is Veganuary? It’s a relatively new challenge that involves going vegan for the 31 days of January – that means no meat, and no animal products like eggs or milk either. This annual challenge started out as a charity initiative in 2014 and has since inspired thousands of people around the world each year to try a vegan diet - in 2022, a whopping 629,000 people around the world signed up for the Veganuary challenge!

With estimations of over 1.3 million people in the UK following a vegan diet, it’s clear that being vegan has its pros. However, if you’re not quite ready to take the leap to a completely plant-based diet yet, Veganuary is a great way to give it a test-run.

Swapping to a plant-based diet can help to protect the environment, and is a cruelty free way of eating. And while it is possible to eat an unhealthy vegan diet, making the switch often encourages you to make healthier choices like eating more nutrient-dense and fibre-rich fresh fruit and vegetables.

Considering a month of meat-free eating? Remember that vegan eating doesn’t have to be bland and boring. Keep reading to check out 10 easy vegan recipes you can try this January.

Our slow cooker vegan chilli recipe tastes incredible and creates a generous 8 portions, so it’s ideal for feeding all the family or prepping for meals for the week ahead. Plus, using a slow cooker means it’s as simple as prepping the ingredients and throwing together, letting the slow cooker do the magic for you.

We’ve swapped beef mince for kidney beans and black beans for a fibre and protein rich dish that has all the flavour of a meatier version. We’ve also loaded it with sweet potato and veggies to ensure it is nutrient dense, so it’s filled with vitamins and minerals! 

Wholesome and warming for those chilly January days, it’s sure to be a crowd pleaser and we reckon it will become a repeat meal throughout your Veganuary.

This veggie bean burger recipe is the perfect weekend fakeaway for vegans and meat eaters alike! We use kidney beans, nuts, and veggies to make the perfect patties; a meaty texture and delicious taste that packs more fibre and nutrients than the average meat burger.

At less than £1 per portion, we serve our burgers on soft brioche buns with tangy onion, crispy lettuce, and juicy tomato!

Healthy, delicious, and packed with a generous 22g of protein per portion, this sesame tofu buddha bowl recipe combines an array of veggies with quinoa, sesame seeds and tofu for a balanced meal that’s full of fuelling carbs and nutrients.

Vibrant and healthy, this bowl of goodness contains just 439 calories, and we finish it with a sweet and sour Thai dressing that gives this fresh dish a decadent touch!

Think vegan means missing out on your favourite fried foods? Think again. Our vegan Kentucky fried jackfruit is crispy and tender and gives any fried fast food a run for its money. Served with your favourite dipping sauce, this nutritious vegan meat substitute is likely to make a repeat appearance well beyond January.

Packed with vitamin A and vitamin C, jackfruit is also rich in dietary fibre which helps to leave you satisfied and keep you fuller for longer!

We can’t prove that pizza is the nation’s favourite food, but it definitely makes for a popular choice! Most pizza dough is actually vegan already so it’s easy to create a vegan alternative. Our vegan pizza recipe is full of flavour, cheap to make and will help to curb those takeaway pizza cravings.

We use vegan grated cheese, passata, oregano and garlic granules for that classic pizza taste and we’ve even added a chilli for those of you partial to some spicy seasoning! If you’re feeling creative, why not add some of your own toppings - just make sure they’re vegan friendly!

Doing Veganuary doesn’t mean you have to miss out on a flavoursome roast dinner! Our vegan nut roast recipe uses lentils, chickpeas, veggies, and nuts for a hearty dish that’s full of protein, fibre and healthy fats. It tastes great and will leave you feeling fuelled!

Enjoyed best when served with gravy, this recipe makes 10 servings so there’s plenty to go around if you’ve got lots of hungry mouths to feed! They can also be kept in the freezer for up to 3 months so you can make them once and eat them many times.

A warming homemade curry can be just what is needed after a long day, and our tofu and chickpea recipe is easy to make and delicious, thanks to a combination of herbs and spices that give an authentic flavour.

We’ve gone with tofu and chickpeas for the main ingredients to create a dish that’s rich in fibre and protein to help you feel fuller for longer, as well as help with your gym gains and muscle recovery. We’ve also opted for light coconut milk to reduce excess calories, making this recipe ideal for all goals.

Our cauliflower tacos recipe will level up your midweek dinner and have you wondering why you didn’t go vegan sooner! Packed with flavour, we fill fluffy tortillas with cauliflower and season with garlic, cumin and paprika for a rich and peppery taste.

We’ve  paired the tacos with a delicious garlic marinade and spicy cashew sauce for a tangy kick that’ll make you wish it was taco night, every night!

Add a twist to your usual lasagne with this Mexican bean version! We’ve swapped pasta sheets for tortilla wraps and an Italian beef bolognese for Mexican inspired mixed beans, before whipping up a dairy free cheese sauce!

Packed with veggies and mixed beans, our Mexican bean lasagne is high in protein, fibre, and vitamins, plus it tastes great and is a fun twist on a traditional dinner.

Creamy and delicious, this coconut curry is ideal for a winter’s day! Packed with veggies and 20g of protein, this works well for lunch, dinner, or even both in the same day.

Quick and easy to make, we combine vegetables with sweet potatoes and chickpeas and season  with herbs, spices, and lime juice for a fresh, fragrant flavour! We serve our curry with nutty jasmine rice and fresh coriander for a well-balanced dish full of protein, carbs and healthy fats to leave you nourished!

This beetroot burger recipe shows that vegan options are anything but bland! Healthy and delicious, these burgers are nutritious, completely plant based and cost just 91p per portion!

Beetroot is the star of the show in this recipe as it's low in calories, high in vitamins and minerals and has been shown to provide various health benefits from supporting heart health to lowering blood pressure! Not only that, but our burgers pack an impressive 13g of fibre to help with digestion, and 18g of protein to aid muscle recovery and repair.

If you're enjoying Veganuary and keen to keep your meat consumption to a minimum post January, why not have a look at some of our healthy vegetarian recipes. Give our breakfast taco recipe or our vegetarian shepherd's pie a try!

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